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LuxMeter – The best instrument to measure light intensity

A Lux Meter or Light Meter, isadevicewhich is used to measure the brightness. They measure the light according to how a human eye will perceive it. It is used to measure light levels in the showrooms, warehouses, laboratories, etc.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that light intensity is an important factor for productivity.In schools, workplaces etc. the quality of light is likely to affect The productivity of individuals work and Low lux levels are a common cause of fatigue and muscle strain.A building too bright or too dim can set back productivity.

How to choose a lux meter?

While selecting a lux meter it is important to know the measurement range, resolution, accuracy, and the maintenance which is essential to achieve reliable measurements. We must also consider the environment in which the lux meter is used. For the outdoor purpose, it would take a higher measurement range. It is good to do calibration of the lux meter before the measurement.

3 important factors to consider before purchasing lux meter:

  1. Accuracy:
    • One of the most important aspects of selecting an instrument is making certain that the instrument can provide accurate and reliable data. Sometimes cheaper lux meters may not offer the same level of accuracy that is needed in your industry.
  2. Portable:
    • Portable instruments are useful in both in-lab and on-field. Portable devices are small and very easy to operate.On-site testing is possible with the help of a portable lux meter.
  3. Cost:
    • Nowadays you will get high quality Lux meters at affordable price. But you must be careful while choosing the right Lux Meter in your budget. So, always buy from trusted manufacturers and suppliers.

Applications of lux meter

  • Lux meters can be used to measure street, office and factory lighting, daylight and sunlight
  •  Asignificant use of lux meters is in the workplace. It can be used to check whether a room is bright enough to protect workers from suffering damage to their eyesight
  • Lux meter is used to adjust the lighting systems of artificial lighting on railways
  • Lux meter is useful for photography and video filming.

How to Measure Light Intensity Using a Lux Meter?

  • Ambient Light Measurement in the Room
    • Firstly, turn off lights in the room you’re about to measure the brightness. Turn on the lux meter to establish the ambient light.This means you’re able to see how much the existing lighting adds to the room once the lights are then turned on.
  • Turn on the Lights and Take Measurement
    • From a central area of the space, make sure your light meter is set up to record your new reading. Allow the lighting a few moments to reach full brightness.
  • Note Differential Reading
    • Subtract the ambient light level from the illuminated level which is known as the differential measurement, this is the amount of light the existing luminaires produce. With this light measurement unit, you can assess how it compares to the optimal lighting levels required. 
  • Check Other Areas of a Room
    • For open office lighting or a corridor, the reading you get from your light meter should be consistent. It is worth checking any possible blind spots just to make sure that you have consistency of light.

Using a lux meter is the best way to measure light intensity and it helps us to choose the optimal light intensity for an environment.

HTA Instrumentation (P) Ltd., offers a calibration of lux meters for reliable measuring results across different industrial sectors.


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