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Dissolved Oxygen Meters

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved oxygen, commonly abbreviated as DO, is the molecular oxygen that dissolves in water. Its concentration is measured in milligrams of oxygen per liter of water. The amount of dissolved oxygen in water is an index to measure the self-purification capacity of water body.

What is the need to measure the Dissolved Oxygen?

In the case of aquaculture, fish might suffocate and die as a result of low dissolved oxygen levels. In wastewater treatment plants, bacteria break down solids. Dissolved oxygen levels that are too high squander energy aerating the water, whereas levels that are too low result in bacteria dying and the cessation of decomposition. Low DO levels are required for supplemental water in industrial applications, which includes boilers, to prevent corrosion and boiler fouling. Given that boiler fouling prevents heat transfer, it is crucial to regularly check the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the process. Water with high concentrations of dissolved oxygen can taste better when used for drinking. However, large concentrations of dissolved oxygen can hasten corrosion in water pipes and transmission lines.

Method for measuring Dissolved Oxygen

  • Dissolved oxygen sensors are attached to instruments for field sampling, laboratory use, or deployment measurements and process control. They can also be coupled to data recorders, process monitors, or transmitters.
  • Colorimetric methods provide a basic approximation of the dissolved oxygen concentration in a sample.  For high and low ranges of dissolved oxygen concentrations, there are two techniques. For simple tasks, these techniques are quick and affordable, but they have a narrow scope and are prone to mistakes because other redox agents in the water may be present.
  • The Winkler titration method is the conventional approach. Although this method has long been regarded as the most precise and accurate, it is also more difficult to execute than other methods and subject to human error.

HTA Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd is the perfect company to go for Quality and Accurate Dissolved Oxygen Meters in Bangalore.


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